
Into arts and writing. Trying to keep both feet on the ground. NeonDiod just happened to be there.

fredag, oktober 15, 2004

Old Poem.

Forget the wet socks and take a blunder for life is but a joke of vampires…fetch the water of spirit burden that is within, suffer with beauty. Drink and give

Passions do see eyes with a surprise
Fruit come longer of a smell of oil. Perfumed Silas. A baptised frog under sea, my horse friend.

Sins are as good in heaven as on earth. Find my key to the dwarf that holds my door and you will look at my window
Baby’s got new shoes,man

(From 2001?)


At 8:11 fm, oktober 30, 2004, Blogger James Barrett said...

I like this poem a lot. Water imagery builds from "wet socks" (the personal) moves well to "the water of spirit" and finally the interface between the two with the drinking.
Can one "see" a surprise? This is great as what we are looking at is ourselves, in that we make the experience. The next sense to be aligned is scent with the perfume of the child baptised. The frog is amphibian, a duality that has fascinated humans for a long time.
Heaven and earth, water and land, window and door. Spirit, Knowledge and self. I would call this a gnostic poem. A beautiful verse!


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