
Into arts and writing. Trying to keep both feet on the ground. NeonDiod just happened to be there.

söndag, november 20, 2005

birthday Party!!!

benyamin's second month ended yesterday, and because silas and i went downtown; we got him a nice jacket from "torget", a card and some party whistles.

i have not been able to go to town for a while, thanks to Silas it was possible..he is very responsible and looks after me, sort of. i used to have a big problem with big crowds - yesterday was one of the first real shopping days before x-mas, it seemed. there was also "Umeå Lights Festival" - so the bus ride was free, there were sculptures around, and a band was playing.

Silas had a "mjukglass" which we had to wait for very long. Benj had some milk in a bottle with dad meanwhile at home, we were happy to see eachother after the small adventure buying christmas presents for sponsored child in Kenya and for cousins in Sweden and australia. very nice, indeed!

onsdag, november 16, 2005


torsdag, november 10, 2005

ja Ha !

det var alla helgona det, med stora runda gurkor och med fladdermösser å ungar som plingar på dörren en vecka för sent för att länsa vinterransonerna. Skämt åsido:nu är det Farsans dag helt plötsligt - ännu en storhelg!!!

tisdag, november 01, 2005

hope it turns up-ok

Happy Halloween

happy halloween (in case the title didn't turn up)!
love to all spirits who have left the life I knew them as...bah, bapuji, my uncle and faraway relatives on both sides. I am lucky not to have lost many close people yet. A special candle-light for the little one that came to me but I couldn't give her/him life then . this was many years away and i had very little to hold on to then. No material security. I am so sorry...
Otherwise I'd say we are all still here, on earth! No pumpkin-pie this year, it is not really of tradition here in Sweden. I'm not sure .. is thanksgiving connected to Halloween? Only spent one year in America and I was very young. I think they are.


Rödakorsett bryter isol.

musicyourmindwillloveyou sightsoundcollective

NeonDiod as Art, Deviantart





Fractal Gallery

Liten Blogg

Thylacine Track

den Andre.

Hilma af Klimt


Vedic Art hemsida

Empati (cirkus)

massagestol, bara en detalj (?)

Astrologi, hinduisk -


Jimi Barrett BLOGG.

*HuMlaB, Umeå university.

Emmaus hemsiDa

MOONSHAKE musikförening(konsertarrangörer)