
Into arts and writing. Trying to keep both feet on the ground. NeonDiod just happened to be there.

fredag, april 28, 2006

Vegansk Näringslära

på vetenskaplig grund.
Skriven av: Björn Pettersson (ett tips!)

onsdag, april 05, 2006

no more dreads..

i shaved them off. No i cut them, this morning. With scissorz.Going to shave my head as soon as the shaver arrives. *** dreadLocks mama. gone¤

They reached down to my bum, I just couldn't take it anymore. Something happened to them - made them feel all "dead". Too much to hold up, neck. Some of'em really thin!

Couldn't sleep. Son and I were itching together. don't want his eksma being worse than that. bloody wool in my head!

Goin' vegan finally. cowmilk goes through breastfeeding.feels good, actually

tisdag, april 04, 2006

Bevara Landsbygden.

Jag skulle kunna tänka mig en koalition av V, Mp...C, FI och..kanske kds. Kanske räcker det ändå inte. S får väl vara med, då.


Rödakorsett bryter isol.

musicyourmindwillloveyou sightsoundcollective

NeonDiod as Art, Deviantart





Fractal Gallery

Liten Blogg

Thylacine Track

den Andre.

Hilma af Klimt


Vedic Art hemsida

Empati (cirkus)

massagestol, bara en detalj (?)

Astrologi, hinduisk -


Jimi Barrett BLOGG.

*HuMlaB, Umeå university.

Emmaus hemsiDa

MOONSHAKE musikförening(konsertarrangörer)