Winter weather
Winters are terrible!
I am in a half-sickness most of t time, it is most annoying! Why? maybe i got a virus before x-mas which hasn't left yet. I wish things could be more "normal".
Into arts and writing. Trying to keep both feet on the ground. NeonDiod just happened to be there.
Winters are terrible!
I am in a half-sickness most of t time, it is most annoying! Why? maybe i got a virus before x-mas which hasn't left yet. I wish things could be more "normal".
Today has been busy. Went downtown...put up some posters in windows, for the FATTA festival in two weeks. had huge "fika". returned Silas' books about aliens to the library. What else - Oh, yes: the photo shop.
Being occupied with reading and writing, most of t time it all (knowledge) makes me feel sick (probably because of pregnancy) and I hope i will get easier about things.
It's interesting, but still I seem to be locked into a room with little air to breathe. I feel Stressed!
Well, once the festival is over I might think that something has "unloaded" me.
So long.
I put out some of my mass-produced paintings from second Vedic Art course. In Deviant Art, which in my Blog is called "Neondiod as art" (link.)
Check it out!
Or...swimming?? i had sauna, and ate a cheesy Toast - but i really enjojed it! my boy had a fun time, he played in the kids' area and he practiced swimming a bit.
So Long.
Andra gången för mej, jag ska ha en bäbis: mår lite taskigt just nu, hoppas det går över och att jag pallar med skolan. inte så många vet om...SSSSH
om allt går bra föder jag i september. Önska mig lycka till!
Jag är so lycklig, det har börjat spira ett nytt liv i mej! Det känns otroligt, Jag är så glad!!
men helt plötsligt funka inte inter Net...Va fantän kte JA.G
Och nu: tI.llB aka .
äääääääääääääääääääää ö
I have almost been cured now, and I feel like I should be continuing my car license. Starting with Theory...
The winds in South Sweden have damaged the forests terribly.
Palestine - new minister! Peace and Love
i wouldn't say it's BECAUSE of the exhibition, but : since we put it on I have been sick almost every day, which is for about a month.
Being an artist, and Not being one; that is: I have never been permitted to an arts school. It is not my Job to make brings no money. Still it takes up time and I enjoy doing it.
It is crazy, because i have to make a living As Well.
What a relief to have collected all my bits!!
Dessa VITA sidor ger mig idétorka direkt!!
Jag läser en intressant bok av Doris Lessing. Till en början verkade den lite som en kiosk-roman, men eftersom förordet var seriöst så fortsatte jag: den är 600 sidor lång. Har bara hunnit en bit, men den är intense!
Handlar om författarskap, bl.a., raspolitik, kommunism. Från ett främmande perspektiv...hon föddes i Iran, men växte upp i Zimbabwe.
Ett feminint perspektiv. Annars? Jo, jag har inte gått utanför dörren på cirka två veckor (?). Idag är det torsdag, på lördag MÅSTE jag på stan och hemta hem mina tavlor för Vedic art.
Längtar lite tills terminen börjar igen.
Silas har haft ett bra jullov, Jimmy går ut med honom på dagarna.
musicyourmindwillloveyou sightsoundcollective
massagestol, bara en detalj (?)
MOONSHAKE musikförening(konsertarrangörer)